The Moa Project is a privately funded joint venture carbon and production forest planting project designed for NZ farmers and land owners.
The Moa Project is a pathway to land-use change that is both led by New Zealanders and owned by New Zealanders. It doesn’t allow foreigners and corporates to reap the benefits of blanket planting while you, the farmer, wear the cost of change. The Moa Project presents a model for participating in the financial flipside of the rising costs of change, while affirming agriculture as viable and rural communities as valuable.
The Moa Project is a local partnership model, perhaps not for everyone, but for those landowners who are in for the long haul, wanting skin in the game but lacking the capital and expertise to move forward or faster. Farmers seeking tailormade, customised, mixed farm-forestry models that optimise land-use productivity, cash flow and long-term returns.
Flexible income options include up front payments, annual rental, or a share of carbon credits and timber.
The Moa Project is both solution and outcome focused by:
- Partnering for acceleration of mixed farm/forestry models
- Innovating for multiple farm income streams
- Planting for a tangible contribution to climate change commitments from agriculture
- Planning for bio-diversity and improved environmental outcomes
- Future-proofing by leveraging the carbon and timber opportunity for long term passive farm income
The Moa Project seeks to both partner and empower farmers through:
- Fully funding forest establishment, forest management and ETS compliance
- Managing all aspects of land preparation, seedling supply and planting
- Designing farm-forestry models that retain productive land for agriculture
- Distributing a flexible income share arrangement that works best for each farmers cash flow requirements
- Ensuring long-term security by way of a registered Forestry Right